Become a member

Membership entitlements

  • Monthly member meetings (featuring talks, refreshments and benching competitions)
  • Participation in benching competitions
  • Access to our extensive library
  • A monthly news bulletin
  • Participation in shows
  • Participation in auctions (as a seller)
  • An invitation to our Christmas party


  • Single: $15/year (+ one-off fee of $6 for a name badge)
  • Family: $18/year (+ one-off fee of $6 for each name badge)

Download membership application form

To become a member, complete the form below and make your payment at your first members meeting.

Our constitution requires that you are nominated and seconded by current members of the MWOS. If you do not know any current members, leave the nomination field blank and the secretary will nominate your application.

Please check all that apply

I hereby apply to become a member of the Manly Warringah Orchid Society Inc. In the event of my admission as a member, I agree to abide by the rules of the Society for the time being in force.

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